Google Pay™ is the payment system by Google. Google Pay will securely store the credit card data in the Google Pay account. Paying using the mobile phone (via NFC) or on a website will be matters of seconds, from the moment a user clicks on “pay with Google Pay” to the reception of the payment.
More info on building Google Pay on you app and web sites can be found on Google Developers.
Google Pay at the moment only supports Visa, Mastercard and Maestro payment cards.
Ask Axerve customer care to enable Google Pay with your Axerve Ecommerce Solutions account.
Follow the guide Tutorial on Google Pay | Google Developers to generate the code that allows to pay via Google Pay.
At step 2, you must define the tokenSpecification obect as follows:
1"tokenizationSpecification": {
2 "type": "PAYMENT_GATEWAY",
3 "parameters": {
4 "gateway": "gestpay",
5 "gatewayMerchantId": "GESPAYXXXXX"
6 }
Change GESPAYXXXXX with your Axerve Ecommerce Solutions Shop Login.
At step 3 define the supported payment card networks. For Axerve Ecommerce Solutions, use:
1const allowedCardNetworks = ["MASTERCARD", "VISA"];
2const allowedCardAuthMethods = ["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"];
At step 5, you can set the Google Pay environment. By setting it to test, no real money is involved:
1const paymentsClient =
2 new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({environment: 'TEST'});
3// other possible value: {environment: 'PRODUCTION'}
If you use the TEST environment, remember to set the gatewayMerchantId to your test Shop Login.
At step 9, you register for the user click and perform the payment by calling loadPaymentData():
1function onGooglePaymentButtonClicked() {
2 ...
3 paymentsClient.loadPaymentData(paymentDataRequest)
4 .then(function(paymentData) {
5 // send to Gestpay
6 processPayment(paymentData);
7 })
8 ...
You must take the paymentData response object and submit to Axerve Ecommerce Solutions, using your favourite method.
You can send to Axerve Ecommerce Solutions the result of the payment via callPagamS2S
2 <!-- mandatory data -->
3 <shopLogin>9000002</shopLogin>
4 <uicCode>242</uicCode><!-- code for euro -->
5 <amount>24.21</amount>
6 <shopTransactionId>MYSHOP-0001</shopTransactionId>
7 <!-- attach here the paymentData JSON -->
8 <googlePay>
9 <tokenizationData>
10 <token>{"signature":"MEQCIAqZ1FIJMQmYxxtkUD3bU+qb/TT+GtQcYXhGZbmrYNQJAiB34P05djwyRT++tU8A6HfJy2bxlY6hmjDP+2Dms131jQ\u003d\u003d","protocolVersion":"ECv1","signedMessage":"{\"encryptedMessage\":\"GyRhs5im1clEgsjLYyUErcyA3GV68/Qab5ZsttyU/OrKo+oZjO2M0pyMOvsNX57nZCIPcCD0h1bL7sDZW7Igf6yiieqSbUvHxZHz3vYTitqbHKv9FVK+GhZq9kVk+r7vI/YG5/pi78b85f+hsYCz+JZMxDzIM8lntF8G+d3+8yl3ZW0H2wvRGpJlIP+dMTURv9ilZDlf1IoD7mhWcJcvpPOVS3cr2dyooDfGASA6FQOJu27aNgYDgtbKDcWkUEAUiR2+gg4irHpDYZCzlwmqV7uC8ZUUdyOpRNHOXLVuYou8aGuUp4jG2SlrWcSHaqcJV4o22pi24HUvwqMTRxojcMVpXorpIHS29F7HkQ3YMSjrtWNvmFZa3nYqyMbfh7E49zf+si4Kqd/yXyJDWJzXJoGBrr+8BEHGIcQ5ZFbfpASS1eRLWxJICOsmIMtapT/nZYAdvQTqqynscBu/hRZYP6471w\\u003d\\u003d\",\"ephemeralPublicKey\":\"BFqAUi7Sp0yqHF34Mm51mOlufyl80D/MAbcwXBqRxUmVrsLjrrOft+pa4GRFL9nyx02S1LjnpjNmX2WvMtdqIn0\\u003d\",\"tag\":\"XBpz+yRiJ5VQfdx+qxKTN4haZXGMZYORJsWT2P6jlq0\\u003d\"}"}
11 </token>
12 </tokenizationData>
13 </googlePay>
14 <!-- fill the remaining fields with usual data -->
15 ...
If the callPagamS2S response has success, the payment is completed.
Google Pay™ is the payment system by Google. Google Pay will securely store the credit card data in the Google Pay account. Paying using the mobile phone (via NFC) or on a website will be matters of seconds, from the moment a user clicks on “pay with Google Pay” to the reception of the payment.
More info on building Google Pay on you app and web sites can be found on Google Developers.
Google Pay at the moment only supports Visa, Mastercard and Maestro payment cards.
Ask Axerve customer care to enable Google Pay with your Axerve Ecommerce Solutions account.
Follow the guide Tutorial on Google Pay | Google Developers to generate the code that allows to pay via Google Pay.
At step 2, you must define the tokenSpecification obect as follows:
1"tokenizationSpecification": {
2 "type": "PAYMENT_GATEWAY",
3 "parameters": {
4 "gateway": "gestpay",
5 "gatewayMerchantId": "GESPAYXXXXX"
6 }
Change GESPAYXXXXX with your Axerve Ecommerce Solutions shop login.
At step 3 define the supported payment card networks. For Axerve Ecommerce Solutions, use:
1const allowedCardNetworks = ["MASTERCARD", "VISA"];
2const allowedCardAuthMethods = ["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"];
At step 5, you can set the Google Pay environment. By setting it to test, no real money is involved:
1const paymentsClient =
2 new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({environment: 'TEST'});
3// other possible value: {environment: 'PRODUCTION'}
If you use the TEST environment, remember to set the gatewayMerchantId to your test shop login.
At step 9, you register for the user click and perform the payment by calling loadPaymentData():
1function onGooglePaymentButtonClicked() {
2 ...
3 paymentsClient.loadPaymentData(paymentDataRequest)
4 .then(function(paymentData) {
5 // send to Gestpay
6 processPayment(paymentData);
7 })
8 ...
You must take the paymentData response object and submit to Axerve Ecommerce Solutions, using your favourite method.
To pay using the REST APIs, you should add this to POST payment/submit:
2 "shopLogin":"MYSHOP",
3 "paymentType":"",
4 "buyer":{
5 "name":"test",
6 "email":""
7 },
8 "googlePay":{
9 "tokenizationData":{
10 "token":{
11 "signature":"MEQCIAqZ1FIJMQmYxxtkUD3bU+qb/TT+GtQcYXhGZbmrYNQJAiB34P05djwyRT++tU8A6HfJy2bxlY6hmjDP+2Dms131jQ\u003d\u003d",
12 "protocolVersion":"ECv1",
13 "signedMessage":"{\"encryptedMessage\":\"GyRhs5im1clEgsjLYyUErcyA3GV68/Qab5ZsttyU/OrKo+oZjO2M0pyMOvsNX57nZCIPcCD0h1bL7sDZW7Igf6yiieqSbUvHxZHz3vYTitqbHKv9FVK+GhZq9kVk+r7vI/YG5/pi78b85f+hsYCz+JZMxDzIM8lntF8G+d3+8yl3ZW0H2wvRGpJlIP+dMTURv9ilZDlf1IoD7mhWcJcvpPOVS3cr2dyooDfGASA6FQOJu27aNgYDgtbKDcWkUEAUiR2+gg4irHpDYZCzlwmqV7uC8ZUUdyOpRNHOXLVuYou8aGuUp4jG2SlrWcSHaqcJV4o22pi24HUvwqMTRxojcMVpXorpIHS29F7HkQ3YMSjrtWNvmFZa3nYqyMbfh7E49zf+si4Kqd/yXyJDWJzXJoGBrr+8BEHGIcQ5ZFbfpASS1eRLWxJICOsmIMtapT/nZYAdvQTqqynscBu/hRZYP6471w\\u003d\\u003d\",\"ephemeralPublicKey\":\"BFqAUi7Sp0yqHF34Mm51mOlufyl80D/MAbcwXBqRxUmVrsLjrrOft+pa4GRFL9nyx02S1LjnpjNmX2WvMtdqIn0\\u003d\",\"tag\":\"XBpz+yRiJ5VQfdx+qxKTN4haZXGMZYORJsWT2P6jlq0\\u003d\"}"
14 }
15 }
16 }
If payment/submit returns status code 200, the payment is completed.
Google Pay™ is Google's payment system. Google Pay securely stores credit card information in the Google Pay account. Paying using a smartphone (via NFC) or on a site is a matter of seconds from the moment the user clicks on 'pay with Google Pay' to receiving payment.
You can find more information on how to integrate Google Pay to your app or site on Google Developers.
Google Pay supports both a tokenized solution, which will always be preferred. Most issuers will accept this as being SCA, and hence not result in the need for completion of 3D-Secure.
In case it is not the tokenized solution that is used, or the issuer declines the transaction for missing SCA, Fabrick will automatically continue with the 3DS flow to ensure the payment can succeed.
To enable Google Pay, simply contact your reference account or technical support.
To integrate Google Pay, simply use the PAGAM hosted payment page integration or the LightBox. Detailed instructions for correctly implementing one of these solutions can be found on the alternative payments page.
For detailed information on configuration, testing and to add Google Pay to the available methods, please contact technical support.
Transactions made via Google Pay are identified by the value 'GOOGLEPAY' of the paymentType tag, which is present in the transaction detail retrieval API and in the payment reports set up by the merchant dashboard.
Once all integration tests in the development environment have been successfully completed, you can request activation of the payment method on your production account, by contacting technical support.
To enable Google Pay, simply contact support; you will then see the button on the hosted payment page automatically each time you can use it.
All merchants must adhere to the Google Pay APIs Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms defined in the Google Pay API Terms of Service
Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.