The following instructions are valid only for already active merchants using Magento 1.
New merchants will have to follow the instructions for Magento 2 available on this page.
We remind you that Magento suggested the merchants using Magento 1 to switch to Magento 2 within 2020.
Starting from January 1st 2022, Axerve will not be offering support for plugin versions using Magento 1.
Banca Sella PRO allows you to connect the Magento checkout page with Axerve. Axerve Ecommerce Solutions PRO has three different integration modes:
Standard mode – the user is redirected on Axerve payment page and, once the transaction is completed, sent back to the shop;
iFrame mode – you can customise every aspect of your payment page, like layout and language, while letting Axerve Ecommerce Solutions handle sensitive credit card data;
Token mode – with this service, credit card data can be safely stored on Axerve's servers and users can keep purchasing in just one click (just like in big online stores).
You can download the plug-in here
At the moment the Token feature works only with Magento's Recurring Profile Payment feature.
Banca Sella PRO has been tested with these versions:
The module is also compatible with IWD One Step / Page Checkout.
Axerve Ecommerce Solutions does not guarantee compatibility with other third parties' plugins that interfere with the checkout process.
From your admin page, go to System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager:
Log in again if Magento Connect Manager asks you to do so.
Once in Magento Connect Manager, paste this extension key to install:
Then click on Proceed.
After clicking on Refresh at the bottom of the page, you should see the plugin correctly installed:
To see if the module is correctly installed select System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced > and check that the option EasyNolo_BancaSellaPro is Enabled.
if you use IWD One Step / Page Checkout (IWD_Opc), replace the content of the file EasyNolo_BancaSellaPro.xml inside app/etc/modules with EasyNolo_BancaSellaPro.xml.Onepage.bak. This way you’ll set the dependency to IWD_Opc the Banca Sella PRO and the two will work together.
Next, go to System > Cache Management and refresh the cache.
We provide the archive file if you want to try newest versions of the plugin. You can download from here.
For install instructions of zip file extensions refer to the guide.
Once logged in in Magento, select System > Configuration > Payment methods and expand Banca Sella PRO section. Here is an example of the configuration section:
We will discuss now the single items.
If set on Yes, this payment method is shown to the user in the payment page.
The payment method title that will be shown to the user at checkout.
A message shown in checkout before the user is redirected to Axerve Ecommerce Solutions payment page.
Shop Login
The shop code given by Axerve. It identifies the merchant.
Test Environment
If enabled, transactions are processed in the test environment. To use the test environment you must also set the Test Shop Login).
Payment Action
This option sets how the payment is processed by Axerve Ecommerce Solutions. The choices are:
Authorize Only: on payment, Axerve Ecommerce Solutions only performs a transaction authorization.
Authorize and Capture: on payment, Axerve Ecommerce Solutions performs an authorization request together with the settlement of a transaction, using the Server-to-Server APIs if the setting “Use S2S Sales API for Capture, Void, Refund actions” is enabled. If on Axerve Merchant Back-Office M.O.T.O. setting is set to contextuality between authorization and settlement, Magento Capture Offline will be performed.
Use S2S Sales API for Capture, Void, Refund actions
If enabled, Capture, Void and Refund features are directly integrated in Magento, so that you don’t have to access Axerve Back-Office to do this.
Enable iFrame Payment Page
This setting permits the user to pay directly on the store checkout page, without being redirected to Axerve Ecommerce Solutions payment page.
Enable Tokenization
Enables tokens for recurring payments.
Enable low risk profile
Enable a limit risk level. If the low risk profile is active, you should configure:
Llow risk shop login: replace the shopLogin for the transaction whiout the Token and with amount under the threshold
Low risk threshold: under this value, the transaction use the low risk show login
New order status
Order status before the payment process
Gateway Language
The language to use in Axerve Ecommerce Solutions payment page.
Status of order cancelled by customer
By this setting you can choose the status of a cancelled order, if the payment is interrupted by the user.
Status of order cancelled by Banca Sella
By this setting you can choose the status of a cancelled order, if the payment is interrupted by Axerve Ecommerce Solutions.
Status of order confirmed by Banca Sella
With this option you can set the status of an payed order.
Enable Anti-Fraud Check
If enabled, the amount of the payment in Magento is verified against the amount of the proessed payment in Axerve Ecommerce Solutions. If the payment doesn’t pass this check, the order gets the status Review Payment and Fraud.
Payment from Applicable Countries
Filter by countries. If it’s set to Specific Countries, only users from countries selected in the configuration Authorized Countries will be allowed to use the payment method.
Test payment URL
Sandbox endpoint for payment
Test S2S URL
Sandbox endpint for notifications
Live payment URL
Production endpoint for payment
Live S2S URL
Production endpoint for notifications
Sort Order
Sets the order of this payment method against the others.
Enable log
if yes, logs messages in EasyNolo_BancaSellaPro file in Magento directory var/log.
Insert reduntant log message in the order
Add more log in payment page
In Configuration > Payment Methods you can choose Axerve Guaranteed Payment - Riskified:
When enabled, you can set these options:
In System > Configuration > Payment methods > EasyNolo Banca Sella Axerve Ecommerce Solutions Pro Alternative Payments you can also decide which payment methods to enable (for example Alipay, Klarna, Paypal, Sofort and others).
The logs are saved in the /var/log path, in the root folder of Magento.
In Configuration > Environment > Response Address, set your configuration in the following way:
URL for positive response (mandatory): it is the URL to whom Axerve Ecommerce Solutions redirects the user after the payment process, in case of success.
http://<< your domain >>/bancasellapro/gestpay/result
URL for negative response (mandatory): it is the URL to whom Axerve Ecommerce Solutions redirects the user after the payment process, in case of failure.
http://<< your domain >>/bancasellapro/gestpay/result
URL Server to Server
http://<< your domain >>/bancasellapro/gestpay/s2s
If your store has store codes in the URL, put it in the response URL:
http://<< your domain >>/it_IT/bancasellapro/gestpay/s2s
Here the store code is it_IT. The module will automatically identify the store where the purchase was made.
Some errors (404, 403) may be due to incorrect typing of the URLs (e.g. if www is missing from the address)
To enable the token feature you have to disable 3D secure security protocol. By disabling the protocol, the module can request the authorization on the credit card for recurrent payments. It’s not possible to use security protocols with recurring payments.
You can disable 3D secure by contacting Axerve customer care.
With M.O.T.O. configuration, Axerve Ecommerce Solutions allows to separate the authorization and settlement phases. If enabled, the first transaction will be limited to the authorization request, otherwise Axerve Ecommerce Solutions will settle the amount immediately.
The plugin works accordingly to this configuration, implementing Axerve Ecommerce Solutions S2S API for Settlement, Cancel and Refund. In case you are not using S2S services you have to manually settle the transaction in the merchant back office.
With the settlement operation the authorized amount will permanently be transferred to the merchant account. To use it, M.O.T.O. must be configured to separate the authorization from the settlement.
With this configuration, Magento will create the order and, on checkout, it will block the necessary amount with the authorization operation (the merchant will receive an email from Axerve Ecommerce Solutions).
When the shop administrator requests the invoice, Magento will ask Axerve Ecommerce Solutions to settle the amount (and it will send an email to the merchant).
Cancelling a transaction occurs when you cancel an authorized transaction. It can be performed only with M.O.T.O. configured to separate authorization and settlement. It can be performed only on transactions that are not settled. This operations can be performed by Magento backend via the panel Sales > Sales and orders > Orders, and from the order detail by clicking on “Void”.
Refund is the operation of refunding a settlement. At a fiscal level, it is a charge on the merchant account and a credit on the buyer’s card. This operation can be performed only on already settled transactions.
A settled transaction can be refunded partially and more than once, until the total of the original amount is reached. These operations are done from Magento using the control panel Sales > Orders and Sales > Invoices > Credit Note and clicking on Refund.
Labels for this module can be translated in every language, using Magento translation system based on CSV. You’ll find that the plugin already contains two languages:
English (US): en_US
Italian (Italy): it_IT
Card saving and token use
Authorization S2S
Enable TOKEN, TOKENEXPMONTH e TOKENEXPYEAR fields in “Fields & Parameters” section of Backoffice
Settle payments
Cancel and settle S2S
Cancel payments
Cancel and settle S2S
Refund S2S