This operation allows you to check the card’s validity, just like CallVerifyCardS2S, and to get other information regarding the card.
Card Check consists in sending card data (such as the card number and the expiration date) to the bank’s server and in receiving the result after processing by the bank’s server.
The correct WSs2s web service method to use for this purpose is callCheckCartaS2S
. However, before using this method, it is necessary to assign all the information required:
shopLogin: merchant code
shopTransactionID: transaction identification code
cardNumber: credit card account number
expMonth: card expiration month
expYear: card expiration Year
CVV2: String containing the Card Verification Value printed on the credit card, as specified in the chapter Handling of CVV field
withAuth: Y will initiate a card authorization process (with an amount of your choice) ; N will not.
If the flag withAuth is set to Y then Axerve Ecommerce Solutions uses these data to make a transaction request without affecting the account and returns the result of the operation; otherwise only the information about the card is returned back (like CallVerifyCardS2S).
After the callCheckCartaS2S method has been performed, it is possible to know the outcome of the operation by using the values in the relevant fields:
First it is possible to use the TransactionResult method which will return the string OK if the check has been performed or the string KO if not. In the fields TransactionErrorCode and TransactionErrorDescription there are the detailed information in case of error.
AuthorizationResult method which will return the string OK if the transaction was authorised or the string KO if the transaction was not authorised
If AuthorizationResult returns the string KO, then it is possible to know whether the failure was due to a negative response from the credit card network, using the AuthorizationErrorCode method:
If AuthorizationErrorCode returns a value which is <> 0, the transaction was denied due to technical problems; the value returned will vary according to the specific reason for the failure. The AuthorizationErrorDescription method will return a description of the reason for the failure (in the language set within the Back Office environment).
If AuthorizationErrorCode returns the value 0, the transaction did not fail due to technical problems. The description of the error will be shown in the language set within the Back Office environment by using the AuthorizationErrorDescription method.
If AuthorizationResult returns the value OK, the transaction was authorised and the card is considered valid.
You can find the description for other fields in the API section.